Analysis Of The Quality Of Service Driving License (SIM) C To Reduce The Number Of Traffic Violations At Polrestabes Satlantas Office Semarang City
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Quality public services according to Triguno (1997:78) are related to attitudes and ways of serving customers satisfactorily, which means serving at any time, quickly, being polite, friendly and helpful, as well as professional and capable. There are various public complaints submitted through the mass media as evidence that the implementation of services to the community cannot be carried out optimally, giving rise to a bad image of government officials.This study aims to find out how the quality of service provided by the Semarang City Police SATLANTAS Office to the public when applying for a Driving License (SIM) C is based on the use of theory from Parasuraman et al. (1988) which includes:Physical Evidence (Tengibles), Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsivness), Guarantee (Assurance), and Empathy (Empaty). The results of the research that has been carried out indicate that the three dimensions of service quality, namely those related to Physical Evidence (Tengibles), Reliability, Responsiveness, are considered by the community to be not optimal when they are obtaining SIM C at the Semarang City Police SATLANTAS Office. While the other two dimensions, namely Assurance and Empathy, are considered by the community to be optimal. This condition resulted in many violations committed by two-wheeled riders, which reached 75% andaccording to data from the Semarang Traffic Police Traffic Unit in 2020, there were 51,858 motorists who did not carry SIM C when driving on the roads in the city of Semarang.
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